…is an essential part of living minimally.
Most of the things we’re asked to or recommended to do/see/try/buy etc. are rooted in other people’s desires, needs, and expectations, not from our own.
You only have a certain amount of time in life. It’s a zero sum game—the more you fill it with one thing, the less you have to fill it with something else. It’s a direct trade off.
By saying no, you avoid wasting time and effort on things that distract you from what really matters.
It takes courage and discipline to say no, especially if people are relying on you. That’s when you have to ask yourself the hard questions about what’s most important to you, and then do what you need to do.
If you’re not sure what to do then try this—if it isn’t a ‘fuck yes!’, then it’s a no.
Go on, live your life protecting your time as if it’s your most precious resource, because it is.