Christmas is approaching fast. November is coming to an end and people have already started shopping for presents, things to decorate their houses with and even for food.
I get a lot of questions asking me my opinion about Christmas. Of course, I enjoy it as much as the next person, and I have some very fond memories of this time of year. We would have big family gatherings – where it would be loud with chatter and laughter and everyone would have a great time.
As I grew older, I began to realize that there are aspects Christmas that are not so good (post coming soon). So, I’ve decided to counterbalance it this year with a Minimalist Christmas Countdown Challenge.
the challenge
Starting Dec 1 until Christmas day, I will be posting short daily prompts on my Twitter feed on how to de-clutter various aspects of your daily life – productivity, money, food, clothes, health etc.
Every week, I will publish a few of the prompts on the blog with some reader’s comments I’ve received and add some of my own.
You don’t have to do a challenge everyday, but if you do, leave a comment on the blog to let everyone know how you did, or any problems that you might have encountered. You can also tell me anything you’ve learned or found interesting, and even suggest a prompt if you would like!
UPDATE: I’ve decided to schedule the challenge into 4 weeks, with each week focussing on a different category of minimalism.
- Week 1: 1st ~ 5th Dec – Minimal Money Week
- Week 2: 6th ~ 12th Dec – Digital/Info Purge Week
- Week 3: 13th ~ 19th Dec – Minimal Health/Lifestyle Week
- Week 4: 20th~ 25th Dec – New Year Cleanse Week
So if you’ve been meaning to get going on applying minimalism to your life for a little while, or you want to take it to the next level, sign up in the comments now!